Let's talk about Intuitive Eating!

I first witnessed extreme food restriction when I was studying theatre during a college prep summer intensive in Philadelphia. Down the dorm hallway, the young ballet dancers were eating baby food.

No, really, baby food in glass jars! For lunch!

A baby food jar with enough to feed a 18 pound baby, this is what the young dancers were eating!
They would move for hours in their intensive dance classes and then eat baby food for lunch. It was my first encounter with the extreme measures that women will go to shrink their bodies. Always chasing the measure of perfection.

It was my first encounter with extreme food behaviors, but definitely not my last.

Here's the thing about diets, especially extreme ones- they don't work.

95% of people regain the weight and more after a few years. And yet, you keep blaming yourself for the "failure".

Let me give you an example: If you took your car to an auto mechanic for regular tune ups and repairs, and after you spent all that money and time, the car didn't work- who would you blame? Would you blame yourself for that? Or would you blame the mechanic?

Yet, you know diets don't work, but you continue to blame yourself for the failure, not the diet!

Here's where Intuitive Eating is magic! Intuitive Eating is a 10-principle approach that includes: reject diet mentality and food rules, pay attention to signals of hunger and fullness, adopt body-positive behaviors, like exercising and eating food that makes you feel good! Imagine that?!?

I know you might be worried that without your food rules and restrictions, you will go crazy eating everything in sight, but this is where the inner mindset + coaching work comes in to lead you to success. Rather than listening to external rules of a diet, you learn to tap into your unique thoughts, cravings and hunger signals. You learn more about what causes your cravings, along with how to manage them.

And don't be fooled by WW, noom or any other dieting program saying that they teach Intuitive Eating. It's a marketing hook for the next diet.

Want to learn more about Intuitive Eating and how it could impact your life?

I highly recommend scheduling a complimentary breakthrough coaching call with me today!

I can’t wait to connect! xoxo Kate

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The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating
1. Reject the Diet Mentality
2. Honor your Hunger
3. Make Peace with Food
4. Challenge the Food Police
5. Discover the Satisfaction Factor
6. Feel your Fullness
7. Cope with your Emotions with Kindness
8. Respect your Body
9. Movement: Feel the Difference

10. Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition

Want to read more about Intuitive Eating and a Non Diet Approach to health? Check out this Blog.