Winter Blues got you down?

It's been grey and rainy in North Carolina for days.  This weather has a way of getting to my mood, add a wicked chest cold to the mix and some perimenopausal hormones, it's even worse for me.  

This week I wanted to share a few tips to beat the winter blues when you haven't seen the sun for weeks.  

Hold on tight, spring will be here soon!!

Vitamin D3: 

Guess what? It’s both a vitamin and a hormone – because of it's affects on hormones in the body, it’s thought to affect mood by improving your sense of well-being. For SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), 1000-5000 IU can be effective.  Of course, check with your doctor first, vitamin D levels can be checked by a simple blood test.

Don’t fight it! Embrace the winter mood. 

Listen to mother nature and honor the season.  Rest, hibernate, go to bed early, welcome netflix binges (Hello, Marie Kondo!), declutter a closet, play board games, knit, and say no to too many commitments and making other people happy instead of yourself.

Cook warm foods like soups and stews.  

This is the season to break out the crock pots and instant pot.  Need a recipe? Check out my favorite healthier version of Italian Wedding Soup on my blog. 

Go outside!  

I know it's cold, but still get outside to get sun and fresh air. Go ice skating, take a walk, in the woods, go skiing, take the kids sledding and build a snowman. 

See comedy shows, like improv, stand-up or musical theatre. 

This might surprise you, but humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. A night of comedy and music will kick the winter blues away. Laughing triggers the release of endorphins. Laughing with others is even more powerful than laughing alone, so bring along a friend.  It’s a great date night idea!

Sweat every day. 

Moving everyday in a way that gets you sweaty is a game changer!!  A short (or long) run, a personal training session, dancing, or any fun movement. Exercise is great for the body, but it's even better for the mind.  I love working out at home in my garage gym.

Wear Purple!! 

Just kidding, but I do wear purple everyday because it cheers me up!!  Wear great looking winter clothes that make you feel great. It will shift your mood. Wear vibrant colors and fitted clothes.  Don't hide your beautiful self behind a baggy old sweater. Soon, you will be wearing shorts in the warm hot sun. 

Take a sunny vacation.  

And if it's available to you, get on a plane and get some sunshine!!

Yours in great health, 

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